It's been quite a while that i have not post any article in my blog. Busy with work and other commitments, especially those related to family.
Believe that every life got it's own uniqueness regardless of who, where, when, what, why and how. That's why we are truly one in a million. Always trust that you are the special one. (Always Espérez toujours que vous êtes le spécial).
However, many times that our life had been pulled downwards by a sense of guilt, regret and confusion (culpabilité, regret et confusion). This could generates a lot of frustrations and even cause confrontations if it's not handle with care. It's certainly that a win-win situation is seems easier to say than do.
No matter how bleak or how great is the situation, it is somehow will come to an end. It could work out to be something as per what we want or beyond what we could have imagine. At the end of the day, we truly got no idea how things will develop in our life. No doubt that by doing some homeworks and preparations could help.

Therefore, we just got to hope that things eventually will be solved and the most important of all, be calm to face the storm(s) when it hits us on the face.
I could have have underestimated the seriousness of the storm, but at the end, we got to trust that we always have a choice.

Live a simple life and treasure every moment now as we might not wake up the next morning like the usual days. (Vivent une vie simple et prisent chaque moment maintenant car nous ne pourrions pas réveiller le matin suivant comme les jours habituels).
I'm about to log-out and have char siu pao for my supper with my wife.
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