If relationship life is so complicated, then one must be wondering why smart people like you and me want to fall in love and worse still, got ourselves married and attached to someone?
This person can be considered as one of the most powerful leader in Asia region. Someone who is famous for his lambast remarks and others respect him for his contributions made during his 22 years tenure as the CEO of Malaysia Inc. Like the Chinese says, "For every successful man, there is always a woman who restlessly playing a supporting role to ensure the success of her beloved man."
Being married for more than 50 years is an excellent achievement, something that every couple would like to have while they are still living on this planet Earth.
Being married for more than 50 years is an excellent achievement, something that every couple would like to have while they are still living on this planet Earth.
To assume a smooth riding is almost impossible or should i say it is only happens in those childhood stories with a common sentence like, "and they live happily ever after...."

As normal human beings, we all have the ability to love. It is quite common for an individual to love someone but not know how to love them. For love to be real and lasting, we have to first give birth to it inside. Before we can truly love another, we have to learn how to love ourselves, that is learning how to identify and meet your own needs.
The key word is, of course, communication. Learn to communicate before enter deeper into love. Many marriage failed due to poor communication. When you are communicating with someone, then you have something in common. You are exchanging ideas, thoughts, hurts and feelings. The other person understands what you are saying, and ideally the other person even understands why you are saying what you are saying. Communication involves exchange, synergy, rhythm and flow.
It is not deniable that the pursuit of effective communication can be risky and it could cause conflict(s) too. However, on second thought, conflict is not so bad after all. When there is no conflict, someone in the relationship is not thinking, not talking, not listening, or probably lying.
When two normal people communicate, conflict will naturally occurs. It is bound to disagree on something at some point. The goal is not to let your communication end with your conflict. Work through it and you will progress to a new level of intimacy and communication.
It is noted that not all marriage comes with a sweet note. However, as a man or woman, we somehow rather need to ensure that we are committed and be responsible to play our role while we still can. Certain times God might not allows us a second chance on planet Earth. Regret? Not really if you had take your chance now. God bless!!

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